Thursday, November 6, 2008

Settling down to lay out the plan...

Wow. I was shocked to see the last time I posted was June 8. I knew it had been awhile but that is way too long. I struggle with the question, why don't I do a better job of blogging more often or every day? I'm positive it has something to do with my insecurity of making a mistake.

When there is no failure, there can be by definition, no success. Without risk, there is no failure. Without failure there is no success.

What we don't admit is the systemic culture of Learning (1.0), teaches our children at a very early age, to make no mistakes because getting the wrong answer is bad. Failure is not looked upon as a learning experience. Each year, we hardened them off a bit more and if we're not careful we may have a community full of kids bored who no longer want to take risks for fear of failure.

Laying out the plan? This year marks our State tech plan as renewable! The due date to the state is May, 2009.

As you start to think about all the artifacts of data required to inspire us as we revise our road map and start to frame what 21st Century living looks like, the skills required to live there, we need to remember to ask tough questions.... maybe even harder for us is to create tough answers.

What we all need to agree on, in my humble opinion, is the fact that this work is hard, grueling at times, and requires the use of the dirty words "time" and "accountability".... for not just working on the work, but also to reflect, assess, and act. It certainly takes accountability to another level.

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