"The future belongs to a very different kind of mind." Do we agree so far? Could it be the "Revenge of the Righ Brain"?
I like Pink's term for this new age, the "conceptual age", and his reference to the "six senses". Design~Story~Symphony~Empathy~Play~Meaning. I also read with interest "The Conceptual Age Orgainzation".
L-Directed Thinking vs. R-Directed Thinking
Now, R-Directed Thinking is suddenly grabbing the wheel, stepping on the gas, and determining where we're going and how we'll get there.This quote on page 27, drew an instant mental image of all social networking sites such as Blogs, Wikis, Flickr, Superglu, Del.icio.us, Wikipedia, Google Apps, MySpace, and the list goes on. R-Directed Thinking????
I also like the term he coined "SAT-ocracy" as he referred to the many tollbooths we had to pass through to reach the land of knowledge work.
What struck me most was the relevance of scarcity vs. abundance and how we have lost so much in this transition.